Water Treatment Plants

Water Treatment Plants

The right spare parts for a water treatment plant can be found in this category. In all the processes where water is used the natural water quality is compromised and contaminated by numerous factors. Various treatment procedures serve to restore and maintain the original quality of the water by removing all waste water substances. Water treatment plants permit the reuse of water, increasing the economic viability of production and manufacturing processes and ensuring the reliability of ship operations.

Spare Parts for a Water Treatment Plants

We specialize in suitable spare parts for a Water Treatment Plants from the following manufacturers:

Nirex / Alfa Laval
Serck Como

Parts for Water Treatment Plants from All Well-Known Manufacturers

From filters and filter inserts, piping, forced draft fans, discharge pumps and many more spare parts through to vacuum toilets, we supply all the spare parts for a water treatment plant.

Pillar specialize in supplying original spare parts for Water Treatment Plants and strive for excellence with high quality products at competitive prices with reliability of fast delivery, Our dedicated staff has an extensive technical knowledge and many years, experience in advising on spare parts, Our global network of manufacturers and traders, enables us to find almost any requested item, even if your requirement is not a part of our standard product range.

Pillar  is one of the leading suppliers of  a Water Treatment Plants spare parts in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Spare Parts for a Water Treatment Plant for Drinking, Service or Process Water

There are spare parts here for almost all models of water treatment plants. Almost all industrial processes produce large volumes of waste water in the form of process water, product water and laboratory water. Which procedures and plants are suitable for water treatment depends on many factors such as type of contamination, water quality requirements or the demand for water.

This also applies to the water treatment on a ship. One possibility for on-board drinking water supply is offered by reverse osmosis plants through seawater desalination. Further plants use various processes to treat waste water, service water or the process water produced by the cooling of a ship’s propulsion system. Shipping companies are faced with strict specifications in relation to the discharge of ship’s waste water and the emptying of bilge water, which is usually mixed with environmentally contaminating pollutants. The reprocessing of ballast water is gaining increasing importance. The enormous increase in global shipping traffic means billions of tons of seawater are taken in every year and then released again in a region thousands of kilometres away – meaning serious pollution for the local marine flora and fauna.  This means bilge water is not simply to be emptied, but increasingly processed by mechanical, chemical or physical procedures – jointly or individually – in such a way that no ecological pollution is caused by plant or animal microorganisms.

Whether service, process, bilge or ballast water, only purified water may be discharged into the sea. In our assortment you will find suitable spare parts for a water treatment plant.

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